We're excited to support four-legged emergency services members even more with this coverage expansion!
Just like emergency services personnel, search and rescue dogs and arson dogs are highly-trained, deeply-devoted and vital to the execution and success of many crisis and emergency situations—and they deserve our support, too.
We currently offer an optional Search and Rescue or Arson Dogs Endorsement, which emergency service organizations can add to their VFIS Property & Casualty (P&C) policies. This endorsement offers up to $10,000 for loss of a covered search and rescue or arson dog due to theft, death, or destruction during covered exposures, including loss due to fires, blizzards, explosions, building collapses, earthquakes, drownings, gunshots, riots, and more.
In our continued mission to address our clients' ever-changing needs, we're excited to announce that, starting in July of 2024, we'll be expanding our Search and Rescue or Arson Dogs coverage to help provide financial assistance for rehabilitation and disablement situations.
As a part of this new solution, if a covered search and rescue or arson dog is injured during a covered operation and requires rehabilitation to return to service, including emergency transportation, veterinary treatment, physical therapy, prosthetic device and occupational therapy, we will reimburse up to $10,000 for that care. Or, if the treating veterinary staff identifies that the dog will not be able to return to service, we will pay an Agreed Value amount and reimburse up to $1,000 for costs incurred to rehome the dog.
These dogs and their handlers perform paramount investigations and duties, spring into action when they're called and, most importantly, save lives. We hope that this expanded coverage provides some peace-of-mind and meaningful protections for your organization and members—both canines and humans alike.